Monday, February 21, 2011

Magazines in the checkout line: Airbrush much?

In today's society magazines fit many purposes, some are meant to advertise products, others are meant to inform the audience of some basic information. But in the end what sells the magazine and meets the purpose of the magazines are hot and handsome males and females. In today's world everywhere you look you will see a hot, sexy women on the cover of a magazine meant to be sold to men, and a strong, handsome man for magazines meant for women. This method of advertising is meant to attract and catch the eye of viewers hopefully leading to them buying their magazine. Using hot, model like people magazine companies make millions, but do you really think this method of advertising is appropriate?

Magazines like sports illustrated swim suit edition don't just put an everyday women on the cover of the magazine; they use a hot, skinny, tan, and almost completely naked picture of a women instead. Pictures like these are the type of images you see everyday as you browse through the local magazine stand. I believe images like these are not appropriate for kids to see, I believe it makes young girls think the only way to attract men is with a body like that, but in reality everyone should be happy with the body they have.

In the end magazines glamorize the idea of having a hot body and are becoming more harmful for today's youth by manipulating their minds into believing being sexy and skinny is the only way to be famous and on the cover of magazines. But I strongly believe kids should feel free to look how they want with out any outside influences like magazines such as Sports Illustrated and Men's Fitness implying negative ideas such as being fit is only possible when you have huge biceps and a 6-pack like the man on the cover of Men's Fitness.


  1. I strongly agree with this. People do not have to look up to these people and try to be exactly like them because they believe they are different. People should try and be the way they want.

  2. You're right, some of these magazines are not for the eyes of young children yet they are placed in the checkout lines for all to see.
