Monday, February 28, 2011

Old News!!!

What's a newspaper? The thing you roll up and hit the dog when it misbehaves, or is it what you use to put your crabs on top of. News papers now a days are something of the past. With people all over the world having internet at home or an easy access to the internet they prefer to use it for their daily news. I mean wouldn't you choose to sit comfortably at home with your laptop on your lap reading the news; or would you rather go outside in the cold and rain to pick up the newspaper from the wet and muddy grass.

Is it not ironic how the Washington Post an online newspaper is reporting how there has been a decline in the use and purchases of newspapers. This article informs us that they're many reasons behind the decline of newspapers, some say it has to do with the increase in prices, others blame it on the bad distribution strategy. Regardless of the reason, the main focus is to increase sales and profits. This article also reveals how Circulation of the Wall Street Journal has decreased by 0.8 percent, to 2,070,498.

Tough times is just an understatement from reality of what is happening to the newspaper industry. A huge decline in subscirptions and recorded losses of billions of dollars is the reality of what is actually happening. In 2009, newspapers made $27.564 billion in total advertising and sales revenue, this may sound like a lot but when you compare it to 2008 it is upsetting. In 2008 newspapers made $37.848 billion, meaning a 27.2% drop from the two years.

The shift from print to online has been a hard and tedious process for many newspaper companies. With their profits dropping and people going to online sources, newspapers still seem to be running. As Charles Darwin said, survival of the fittest.

As people and society advance so does the way of delivering news,


  1. It does seem that newspapers must switch from just printing to printing and being online because the world now revolves around the internet, so it is much easier to go their than to the store to buy one.

  2. Funny first paragraph, kind of similar to what I did. I like how you had facts used to support your opinion.
