Currently the National Basketball Association (NBA) is hosting the playoffs in which many big named teams have big named players. And with each big named players comes a pair of sneakers. Yes it's true I said sneakers. What I mean is obviously the million dollar salaries are not enough for these guys so the decide to come out with some outrageously priced sneakers, and sell them to the public. No your not going to be as good as Micheal Jordon or LeBron James; your just going to be spending every single penny to your name, in order to wear just 1 out of the many pairs of shoes these athletes own.
This picture right here is one of Kobe Bryant's basketball shoes that he sells. This shoes is worth around $ 130 dollars, now you tell me why it makes sense to spend 130 bucks on something that is going to get dirty as soon as you step outside your door, and collect dirt inside that shoe closet you kept it in so no one would touch them. The whole idea of athletes in NBA selling sneakers and advertising these shoes to the youth just seems stupid.
Kobe even teams up with the Jackass Crew, which is very popular amongst teens, and shoots a commercial advertising how his shoes allow him to jump over a pool. Really people, do you honestly think a shoe gives you that much of a jumping ability, people who buy these shoes for reason like that are also the same people who lack common sense and are living pay check to pay check.
People who can not afford to buy themselves decent clothing or feed their families will still be wearing or having these shows with them, but why??? That is the question I would like to be answered.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Instant Fame!!!
Music is still part of everyday life for millions of people across the world, but in today's up and coming society, artists have found different ways to gain viewers and fans. First off I congratulate artist on their great job of advertising and displaying their music in different ways. Artists have learned to adapt to the new technology and used their cleverness and brains in order to create a bigger fan base. As of now facebook and twitter are very big social networks and artists have utilized these websites to their advantage. They use these networks to talk about new songs that they are coming out with, and to advertise their next concert.
Lets not forget the great and wonderful YouTube. This website has allowed many small time rappers such as Wiz Khalifa to upload a song they created such as Black and Yellow, and allow the people on the World Wide Web to listen to and comment on the song. With the song black and Yellow Wiz Khalifa has made it big, and now has started to make albums such as Rolling Papers. Wiz Khalifa is making millions of dollars, and still living the same life style of "smoke weed, and f*** bitches" all thanks to YouTube.
Everyone is just trying to be the next Justin Bieber or Rebecca Black, come out with a single and hopefully gain fame, but for many this is just a dream, not reality. But this dream is more likely to become reality thanks to the many ways for artists to get their names out. Whether it be my advertising products and being on t.v. such as Pauly D, or making YouTube videos like baby faced Justin Bieber, or winning a singing contest on American Idol like Carrie Underwood; artist have found a way to get the fame and chance at a record deal.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Ya Hate Some and Ya Like Some
Nancy grace is a b#$%h, I would rather watch Sesame Street by me self than have to endure an hour long episode from her again. It is her demeanor that is annoying; the way in which she talks is like a stuck up, rich and obnoxious person. Now when you take a step back and look at what she actually says, she does show a good point of view. Her attitude is know by all her viewers and guest and on an online clip of one of her episodes she gets into an argument with Bernie Rayno about the nuclear affects Japan has on U.S. Bernie believes that it won’t affect us to much, and as soon as she cuts him off he knows she is going to argue back and says, “O boy, here we go Nancy.” This just shows how her guests know of her rude attitude and how she is always eager to argue.
The other news commentator I chose was Glenn Beck. Many say this many has raciest views and is rude and what not, but in my opinion he is a very likable guy. In his episodes he makes smart remarks but you can see his educated side. The episode I watched was about if we need feds. His guest for the episode was Edward Griffin, the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island. He talks sarcastically about how the Federal reserve bank sets our interest, allows us to borrow a billion of dollars from other countries, and lets other countries borrow a billion of dollars from us, he talks about the Federal reserve as a "mysterious money dispenser,"
and the way he says everything you can realize his attitude and sarcasm towards the topic.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Is it Thursday Yet!!!
Jersey Shore is one of the most watched reality show; and brings in tons of viewers, including me. I personally enjoy watching Jersey Shore. People always talk about how the Snooki , Jenni, Vinny, and Mike are all bad role models but I could care less. When 10 o'clock appears on the clock on Thursday night I'm grabbing my remote and flipping the channel to MTV. The drinking, the fighting, the partying, and all the drama continue to entertain and make me laugh. I mean the next best thing to mud wrestling is two famous celebrities fighting over a guy who just wants to have sex with one of them. Watching the way thesepeople act when they're drunk is hilarious, especially when they are at the clubs and dancing around and saying dumb things. I have been around many drunks and every time when I see them falling over and acting crazy it entertains me. And who wouldn't rather watch drama than be part of it. I'd choose to watch a couple bickering over the smallest things than be part of it and have to deal with all the unnecessary arguments..

Monday, February 28, 2011
Old News!!!
What's a newspaper? The thing you roll up and hit the dog when it misbehaves, or is it what you use to put your crabs on top of. News papers now a days are something of the past. With people all over the world having internet at home or an easy access to the internet they prefer to use it for their daily news. I mean wouldn't you choose to sit comfortably at home with your laptop on your lap reading the news; or would you rather go outside in the cold and rain to pick up the newspaper from the wet and muddy grass.
Is it not ironic how the Washington Post an online newspaper is reporting how there has been a decline in the use and purchases of newspapers. This article informs us that they're many reasons behind the decline of newspapers, some say it has to do with the increase in prices, others blame it on the bad distribution strategy. Regardless of the reason, the main focus is to increase sales and profits. This article also reveals how Circulation of the Wall Street Journal has decreased by 0.8 percent, to 2,070,498.
Tough times is just an understatement from reality of what is happening to the newspaper industry. A huge decline in subscirptions and recorded losses of billions of dollars is the reality of what is actually happening. In 2009, newspapers made $27.564 billion in total advertising and sales revenue, this may sound like a lot but when you compare it to 2008 it is upsetting. In 2008 newspapers made $37.848 billion, meaning a 27.2% drop from the two years.
The shift from print to online has been a hard and tedious process for many newspaper companies. With their profits dropping and people going to online sources, newspapers still seem to be running. As Charles Darwin said, survival of the fittest.
As people and society advance so does the way of delivering news,
Is it not ironic how the Washington Post an online newspaper is reporting how there has been a decline in the use and purchases of newspapers. This article informs us that they're many reasons behind the decline of newspapers, some say it has to do with the increase in prices, others blame it on the bad distribution strategy. Regardless of the reason, the main focus is to increase sales and profits. This article also reveals how Circulation of the Wall Street Journal has decreased by 0.8 percent, to 2,070,498.
Tough times is just an understatement from reality of what is happening to the newspaper industry. A huge decline in subscirptions and recorded losses of billions of dollars is the reality of what is actually happening. In 2009, newspapers made $27.564 billion in total advertising and sales revenue, this may sound like a lot but when you compare it to 2008 it is upsetting. In 2008 newspapers made $37.848 billion, meaning a 27.2% drop from the two years.
The shift from print to online has been a hard and tedious process for many newspaper companies. With their profits dropping and people going to online sources, newspapers still seem to be running. As Charles Darwin said, survival of the fittest.
As people and society advance so does the way of delivering news,
Monday, February 21, 2011
Magazines in the checkout line: Airbrush much?
In today's society magazines fit many purposes, some are meant to advertise products, others are meant to inform the audience of some basic information. But in the end what sells the magazine and meets the purpose of the magazines are hot and handsome males and females. In today's world everywhere you look you will see a hot, sexy women on the cover of a magazine meant to be sold to men, and a strong, handsome man for magazines meant for women. This method of advertising is meant to attract and catch the eye of viewers hopefully leading to them buying their magazine. Using hot, model like people magazine companies make millions, but do you really think this method of advertising is appropriate?
Magazines like sports illustrated swim suit edition don't just put an everyday women on the cover of the magazine; they use a hot, skinny, tan, and almost completely naked picture of a women instead. Pictures like these are the type of images you see everyday as you browse through the local magazine stand. I believe images like these are not appropriate for kids to see, I believe it makes young girls think the only way to attract men is with a body like that, but in reality everyone should be happy with the body they have.
Magazines like sports illustrated swim suit edition don't just put an everyday women on the cover of the magazine; they use a hot, skinny, tan, and almost completely naked picture of a women instead. Pictures like these are the type of images you see everyday as you browse through the local magazine stand. I believe images like these are not appropriate for kids to see, I believe it makes young girls think the only way to attract men is with a body like that, but in reality everyone should be happy with the body they have.
In the end magazines glamorize the idea of having a hot body and are becoming more harmful for today's youth by manipulating their minds into believing being sexy and skinny is the only way to be famous and on the cover of magazines. But I strongly believe kids should feel free to look how they want with out any outside influences like magazines such as Sports Illustrated and Men's Fitness implying negative ideas such as being fit is only possible when you have huge biceps and a 6-pack like the man on the cover of Men's Fitness.
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